Friday, October 16, 2009

Blog Entry 8: Emerging Technology that supports Creativity and Production

Supporting student production involves an understanding of the preproduction stage, the production stage, and the postproduction stage. (186) I was most intrigued by the preproduction stage. The idea presented by Egbert is that students should help their teacher design the project. Students should take an active role in laying out steps, conducting research, finding sources, brainstorming, and creating rubrics. I agree with all of these, but leaving the students to contribute to all of these would lead to an elongated project. Students need to know their objectives and should take an active role in their learning. However, I have found that my most effective projects stem from a great deal of pre-planning on my part. I worry that if I did not already have a step by step guide and a rubric in place how I would manage my classroom and help the students with the project. The more detailed my expectations are at the beginning of the project the more that I am able to spend my time managing classroom disruptions and helping students with questions. It is similar to this class. The assignments in this class are written out with very clear directions. We do not take part in the creating of the rubric or objectives but I still feel that we benefit from the creative nature of the projects.

Egbert, Joy. (2009). Supporting learning with technology: Essentials of Classroom Practice. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. I pointed out several of the same things in my blog posting. I agree that students should have more of an active voice in their learning and the steps they take to getting there. It is hard to relinquish that control at times.

  2. I have to admit, it is a lot more work, but the pre-planning stage of a project can make the whole process a lot smoother. You can anticipate problems and become proactive as opposed to reactive.
