Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog Entry 7: Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling can be used in all aspects of Education. The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling, an article written by Bernard R. Robin of the University of Houston discusses what Digital Storytelling is and how it can be applied in the school setting. Robin defines Digital Storytelling as a story that takes traditional story elements, such as a common theme and point of view, and combines them with digitally enhanced images, audio, and graphics. Robin argues that a good Digital Story follows seven basic elements:

  • Point of View
  • A Dramatic Question
  • Emotional Content
  • The Gift of Your Voice
  • The Power of the Soundtrack
  • Economy
  • Pacing

A good Digital Story must encompass all of these elements. The first four elements are traditional story elements. All stories have a point of view, they answer a dramatic question in order to offer a resolution, they provide emotional content that engages the reader, and a voice that is appropriate for the intended audience. The last three elements are what make a Digital Story so unique. Creating a story electronically allows for a Soundtrack. Just like in a movie a Soundtrack can add emotion to a story. It is important to remember that the viewer will grow impatient, just as they would during a television show or movie, if the story is prolonged. This is why Economy and Pacing are so important. There has to be enough information to get the point across and it must be paced appropriately so as not to bore the viewer.

Robin goes on to discuss the different uses of Digital Stories in Education. Digital Stories can be utilized in all subjects and grade levels. They are great for re-telling historical events, creating informational How-To's, and personal narratives.

Robin, Bernard R. (2009). The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. University of Houston. Retrieved October 12 from http://fp.coe.uh.edu/brobin/homepage/Educaional-Uses-DS.pdf


  1. I really liked the 7 points of digitial storytelling that you pointed out. I think pacing is one of the most important when it comes to middle schoolers. They are so easily bored that I have to find that fine balance between moving too fast and moving too slow.

  2. Do you see yourself incorporating more Digital Storytelling in your instruction? If so, what technology do you prefer for this process?
